In response to the desire of industrial investors and to facilitate procedures, Eng. Ahmed Samir, Minister of Trade and Industry, issued Resolution 172/2023 with new facilitations for owners of licensed industrial establishments.
The decision stipulates that the owner of the industrial facility for which an operating license has been issued by the Public Authority for Industrial Development shall pay the annual follow-up fees (according to Article 33 of the Law to Facilitate Procedures for Granting Licenses for Industrial Establishments) once for a year or more.. so that the owner of the facility, with regard to the prior license ( for high-risk industries) to pay follow-up fees for up to 3 years, while the owner of the industrial facility (low-risk) notification system pays one-time follow-up fees for up to five years.
The decision stipulates that the authority undertakes annual follow-up procedures for the years for which the prescribed fee has been paid.
Commenting on the decision, Eng. Mohamed Abdel-Karim, Chairman of the Authority, affirmed that the new facilitations approved by the Minister come within the framework of the ministry’s implementation of the state’s approach towards stimulation and facilitation to support the industrial sector, which was evident in the clear decisions of the Supreme Investment Council towards creating an investment climate and preventing adding any burdens to investors. .
He stressed the keenness of the Ministry and the Authority to continue simplifying the procedures for the investor, who previously had to complete the follow-up procedures for the operating license with the Authority on an annual basis, explaining that it has become available to the investor to pay the fees for a period of up to three / five years, which saves the investor from going to the Authority every General to finish the follow-up procedures.