Labor Law No. 12 of 2003, as amended by Law No. 180 of 2008, specifies the controls for conducting an individual employment contract, as Article 32 of the law stipulates that the employer is obligated to write the employment contract in writing in the Arabic language in three copies, the employer keeps one and delivers a copy to the worker and deposits it. The third is the competent social insurance office.
The contract must include, in particular, the following information:
The name of the employer and the address of the employer.
The worker’s name, qualification, profession or craft, insurance number, place of residence, and anything necessary to prove his identity.
The nature and type of work subject to the contract.
The agreed-upon wage and the method of its payment, as well as all other agreed-upon cash and in-kind benefits. If there is no written contract, the worker alone has the right to prove his rights using all means of proof.
The employer gives the worker a receipt for the papers and certificates he has deposited with him.
Article 33 also stipulates that the probationary period must be specified in the employment contract, and the worker may not be appointed on probation for a period exceeding three months or appointed on probation more than once with one employer.