Engineer Mahmoud Mohsen, a member of the Chamber of Engineering, confirmed that there is a great development in the performance of industrial development and a clear speed in granting licenses and inspections to factories that request renewal of licenses or adding new manufacturing activities, which is a very suitable climate for industrial expansions within the framework of the state’s interest in industrial production, which aims to limit imports. Support and localization of the national industry.
In exclusive statements, Mohsen praised Resolution 172/2023 for new facilitations for owners of licensed industrial establishments, and the resolution stipulated that the owner of the industrial establishment for which an operating license was issued by the Public Authority for Industrial Development pays annual follow-up fees (according to Article 33 of the Law to Facilitate the Procedures for Granting Licenses). Industrial establishments) for one time for a year or more, so that the owner of the establishment, with regard to the prior license (for high-risk industries), pays follow-up fees for up to 3 years, while the owner of the industrial establishment (low-risk) notification system pays one-time follow-up fees for a period of up to five years. This is a step aimed at facilitating the owners of industrial establishments.
Engineer Mahmoud Mohsen confirmed that there is a clear intention from the government to localize the national industry, especially the industries of ENT units and the production of dental units, which saves millions of dollars annually from importing these products, and there is clear government support from the concerned authorities in this file.
In exclusive statements, he indicated that there are efforts to open new export markets, especially in Africa, in order to support the state’s plans to promote exports and achieve the goal of reaching $100 billion in exports in the coming years.